
Recommender systems are one of the recent inventions to deal with information overload problem and provide users with personalized recommendations that may be of their interests. Collaborative filtering is the most popular and widely used technique to build recommender systems and has been successfully employed in many applications. However, collaborative filtering suffers from several inherent issues that affect the recommendation accuracy such as: data sparsity and cold start problems caused by the lack of user ratings, so the recommendation results are often unsatisfactory. To address these problems, we propose a recommendation method called “MFGLT” that enhance the recommendation accuracy of collaborative filtering method using trust-based social networks by leveraging different user's situations (as a trustor and as a trustee) in these networks to model user preferences. Specifically, we propose model-based method that uses matrix factorization technique and exploit both local social context represented by modeling explicit user interactions and implicit user interactions with other users, and also the global social context represented by the user reputation in the whole social network for making recommendations. Experimental results based on real-world dataset demonstrate that our approach gives better performance than the other trust-aware recommendation approaches, in terms of prediction accuracy.


  • To address these problems, we propose a recommendation method called “MFGLT” that enhance the recommendation accuracy of collaborative filtering method using trust-based social networks by leveraging different user's situations (as a trustor and as a trustee) in these networks to model user preferences

  • We propose model-based method that uses matrix factorization technique and exploit both local social context represented by modeling explicit user interactions and implicit user interactions with other users, and also the global social context represented by the user reputation in the whole social network for making recommendations

  • ‫تمّّإج ارءّالتجاربّهناّعلىّمجموعةّمعطياتّ"‪ّ"Epinions‬فيّمنظورّ"‪ّ"All Users‬وباستخدامّتقنيةّّ"‪5-‬‬ ‫‪ّ"fold cross validation‬عندماّ‪ّK=5‬والنتائجّمبينةّفيّالشكلّ‪ّ.5‬نلاحظّأنهّعندّحذفّتأثيرّالسياقّالاجتماعيّ‬ ‫العام ّمن ّالنموذج ّالمقترح‪ّ ،‬فإن ّأداء ّالنموذج ّ"‪ّ "MFGLT\global‬يتناقص ّمقارن ًة ّمع ّأداء ّالنموذج ّ"‪ّ."MFGLT‬‬ ‫كذلكّنلاحظّنفسّالأمرّبالنسبةّلنموذجّ"‪ّ"MFGLT\local‬عندّحذفّتأثيرّالسياقّالاجتماعيّالمحلي‪ّ.‬حيثّمثلاً‪ّ،‬‬ ‫مقارن ًةّمعّنموذجّ"‪ّ،"MFGLT‬فإنّنموذجّ"‪ّ"MFGLT\global‬لديهّتقليلّبالأداءّبمقدارّ‪ّ%1.68ّ،%1.55‬منّ‬ ‫حيث ّمقياسي ّ"‪ّ "MAE‬و"‪ّ "RMSE‬على ّالتوالي‪ّ ،‬ونموذج ّ"‪ّ "MFGLT\local‬لديه ّتقليل ّبالأداء ّبمقدار ّ‪ّ،%8.65‬‬ ‫‪ّ %6.81‬من ّحيث ّمقياسي ّ"‪ّ "MAE‬و"‪ّ "RMSE‬على ّالتوالي‪ّ.‬كذلك ّعند ّحذفّ ّتأثي ارت ّالسياق ّالاجتماعي ّالعامّ‬ ‫والمحلي ّمعاً ّفي ّالنموذج ّ"‪ّ "MFGLT\global\local‬نحصل ّعلى ّأداء ّأسوء ّمن ّأداء ّنموذجي ّ"\‪MFGLT‬‬ ‫‪ّ "global‬و"‪ّ "MFGLT\local‬مما ّيشير ّإلى ّأن ّالسياق ّالاجتماعي ّالعام ّوالمحلي ّلديهما ّمعلومات ّمكملة ّلبعضهاّ‬

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‫السياقّالاجتماعيّالعامّمنّأجلّالتوصيات‪ّ ّّ.‬‬ ‫انطلاقاًّمما ّسبق‪ّ ،‬نقترح ّفي ّهذا ّالبحث ّطريقة ّتوصية ّمعتمدة ّعلىّالنموذج ّتدعى ّ"‪Matrix (ّ "MFGLT‬‬ ‫‪ّ )Factorization with Global Local Trust‬والتي ّتستغل ّكل ّمن ّالسياق ّالاجتماعي ّالعام ّوالمحلي ّلعلاقاتّ‬ ‫الثقةّفيّنفسّالوقتّمنّأجلّالتوصيات‪ّ.‬يقدمّهذاّالعملّاست ارتيجيةّجديدةّلصهرّمعطياتّالتقييمّّومعطياتّالثقةّ‬ ‫يفترض ّنموذج ّتحليل ّالمصفوفات ّإلى ّعوامل ّأن ّالقليل ّمن ّالعوامل ّالكامنة ّتؤثر ّعلى ّسلوكيات ّالتقييمّ‬


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