
In this study, Ibn Fadlan carried the message of the Caliph al-Muqtadir in Allah and his minister Hamed bin Abbas to the king of Salkala. He instructed Ibn fadlan to explain to the king the principles of the Islamic religion. He also Provided Ibn fadlan with an appropriate amount of money to set up a mosque and a fortress to protect them from attacks by the khazars . On the request of the king of the Skeleton of the Caliphate Muqtadir in God . It took Ibn fadlan,s journey for a period that did not reveal the son of fadlan for its duration, and the delegation sent the message to the king of Salkalp but we found that the letter did not succeed in embracing the king of Salkalp of Islam, the mosque was not built and the fortress because one person stole the money sent by the Caliph Muqtar His response was violent and he did not accept any excuse from Ibn Fadlan . The journey of Ibn fadlan painted a clear picture of vast areas, of which no one knew . The research dealt with some of the dirhams used, but Ibn Fadlan did not disclose their value, so we were forced to extract the value of some of these dirhams and link them to what is located at the headquarters of the Abbasid Caliphate through some operations the simple arithmetic, where the research highlighted the economic and financial aspects only and other wise is outside the scope of this research .

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