
The Ramayana, written and composed by Valmiki, is one of the greatest works of literature in the history of ancient India. It has survived the test of time, and still continues to be one of the most critically acclaimed works of all generations. The characters in Ramayana are seemed to be inspirational figures in all our lives. Rama, Sita, Lakshmana and Hanuman epitomize all the virtues that should be present in all human beings in the planet to achieve the state of continual peace. Sree Rama was about to be crowned as emperor.Narada arrived and reminded Rama that his sole work in this incarnation was to kill the asuras and bring peace in the universe.Sree Rama replied that he was aware of the purpose of his incarnation. Devas approached SaraswathyDevi and requested her to go to Ayodhya and enter the tongue of Mandhara.

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