
The article is devoted to selected aspects of gender-based violence in the context of the armed conflict in Ukraineб and the police response to these cases. The author considers the international legal regulation of prevention and counteraction to gender-based violence in the conditions of armed conflicts. The provisions of UN Security Council Resolution №1325, adopted on 31 October 2000, and UN Security Council Resolution №1296, adopted on 19 April of the same year, were analyzed separately. It is noted that the risk group, which is the most vulnerable to gender-based, should include internally displaced persons. When this category of people changes their place of residence due to the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, they need specialist help and support from the community they are moving to, and especially from government agencies, including the police. In most cases, a district police officer is a first contact officer who has complete information about the population in their area of service, their needs and characteristics. That is why the author points to the leading role of the district police officer among other police services and divisions in the field of timely detection of gender-based violence. The article develops an algorithm of actions for district police officers in case of detection of gender-based violence, which contains signs of a crime, reveals some aspects of proceedings in this category, as well as the use of coercive measures by police. The author considers the forms of interaction of a district officer with other state bodies of state power and local government, as well as the public in the field of prevention and counteraction to gender-based violence.

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