
Escribano-Ávila, G., Pías, B., Escudero, A., Virgós, E. 2015. Ecological relevance of frugivorous mammals in the regeneration dynamics of old fields in Mediterranean environments. Ecosistemas 24(3): 35-42. Doi.: 10.7818/ECOS.2015.24-3.06 Two opposite tendencies govern land use worldwide: intensification and abandonment. Land abandonment represents an opportunity for ecosystem recovery, an urgent need due to the current environmental crisis. Dispersal communities play a key role in the recovery of old fields, as they mobilize seeds that serve as the primary source for the regeneration of woody plants. Recent studies have pointed out the special relevance of frugivorous mammals for seed dispersal in degraded environments such as old fields. This is due to morphological and behavioural traits of frugivorous mammals which make this dispersal guild especially effective. Frugivorous mammals are generally bigger body-sized, use bigger home ranges and are able to perform longer dispersal distances than other frugivorous, thus dispersing a greater quantity of seeds in old fields. Once a seed arrives to an old field several stages until recruitment should be overcome (post-dispersal predation, germination, survival and growth). Seed dispersal by frugivorous mammals favors the success of dispersed seeds to be recruited due to: i. At the inter-specific level, frugivorous mammals do not present gape width limitations, thereby dispersing a wide range of fleshy fruited species. At the intra-specific level they are able to consume all fruit/seed size ranges while smaller frugivorous, like small to medium sized birds, usually select small fruits which may hamper recruitment, and ii Mammal frugivorous, specially carnivores, deposit seeds in microhabitats specially suitable for woody plants recruitment (e.g. shrubs). Overall, mammal frugivorous are key members of dispersal communities promoting regeneration dynamics in old fields thereby their ecological function should be considered from a management and restoration perspective.

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