
Zinc is essential for the synthesis of amino acids, carbohydrates, and proteins, which are directly related to the chemical composition of raw coffee (Coffea arabica L.) beans, and it may influence the quality of the beverage. This study aimed at evaluating the influence of Zn doses on the chemical composition of coffee beans and beverage quality. Increased Zn availability in the growth medium maximized attributes related to beverage quality, such as polyphenol oxidase activity, color index, and contents of sucrose, caffeine, and trigonelline, reaching maximum values in plants with Zn leaf contents within the sufficiency range of 8.0 to 12.7 mg kg−1. Zinc doses lower or higher than the one that provided maximum quality (∼2 μmol L−1 in nutrient solution) increased the attributes related to loss of beverage quality, such as content of total phenols, 5‐caffeoylquinic acid, leached K, and electrical conductivity. Zinc supply influences the quality of coffee beans, having a positive effect on polyphenol oxidase activity, color index, and contents of sucrose, caffeine, and trigonelline. Adequate Zn doses reduce total phenol content, 5‐caffeoylquinic acid, leached K, and electrical conductivity. The leaf contents, which related to the minimum or maximum points of the quality attributes studied, varied between 8.0 and 12.7 mg Zn kg−1.

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