
To examine how a short secondary structural element derived from a native protein folds when in a different protein environment, we inserted an 11-residue beta-sheet segment (cassette) from human immunoglobulin fold, Fab new, into an alpha-helical coiled-coil host protein (cassette holder). This de novo design protein model, the structural cassette mutagenesis (SCM) model, allows us to study protein folding principles involving both short- and long-range interactions that affect secondary structure stability and conformation. In this study, we address whether the insertion of this beta-sheet cassette into the alpha-helical coiled-coil protein would result in conformational change nucleated by the long-range tertiary stabilization of the coiled-coil, therefore overriding the local propensity of the cassette to form beta-sheet, observed in its native immunoglobulin fold. The results showed that not only did the nucleating helices of the coiled-coil on either end of the cassette fail to nucleate the beta-sheet cassette to fold with an alpha-helical conformation, but also the entire chimeric protein became a random coil. We identified two determinants in this cassette that prevented coiled-coil formation: (1) a tandem dipeptide NN motif at the N-terminal of the beta-sheet cassette, and (2) the hydrophilic Ser residue, which would be buried in the hydrophobic core if the coiled-coil structure were to fold. By amino acid substitution of these helix disruptive residues, that is, either the replacement of the NN motif with high helical propensity Ala residues or the substitution of Ser with Leu to enhance hydrophobicity, we were able to convert the random coil chimeric protein into a fully folded alpha-helical coiled-coil. We hypothesized that this NN motif is a "secondary structural specificity determinant" which is very selective for one type of secondary structure and may prevent neighboring residues from adopting an alternate protein fold. These sequences with secondary structural specificity determinants have very strong local propensity to fold into a specific secondary structure and may affect overall protein folding by acting as a folding initiation site.

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