
In this universe we the human beings were born to help each other but not to think individualistically. Lives seen from the cosmic angle make us feels tiny as if we are in an island standing alone and thinking of our lives what will be our next plan to set our goals. This mysterious universe always makes our way which we nd ourselves to help each other where we can give meaning to our individual lives from human- based perspectives. Humanity can be thought 'individualistically and holistically'. The concept of caring from the philosophical side can be seen its ethical value which arouse from different angle, whether it is emotional or rational, expressions of caring are articulations of our moral being which is said to be valid. So, caring should be analyzed as a reformer of the self towards the world in many characteristic ways. It is not only emotional or motivational, but it is an orientation of the whole of our internal life, which is a dynamic orientation towards the world. The positive perspectives of philosophical counseling and Palliative care is a holistic approach for patients as it aims at in relieving and controlling pain and other symptoms with quality care for every patients. If we see the philosophy of philosophical counseling then certain positive vibrations can be seen which give people with life limiting illness a reason to hope and a feeling of greater self-condence and dignity. Palliative care and Philosophical counseling provides spiritually and holistically which enhances their quality of life.

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