
Introduction : Cancer is an ugly enemy and currently the second leading cause of death in the world. The oncology nurse while performing her duties, build a strong relationship with their patients. The roles and responsibilities of nurses of working in cancer units have changed rapidly over the past century from nurses providing bedside care to advanced practice oncology nurses taking responsibility for assisting and performing invasive procedures along with diagnostic interpretation and screening for cancer prevention. Nurses role and responsibilities in the Oncology unit is quickly transforming according to the qualifications of a diploma holder to a graduate and post graduate nurse. There is also advancement in the technology in the field of treatment to the cancer patients. The future demands that the nurses function to meet both the medial as well as nursing needs of cancer patients. Therefore, the nurses need to be trained and well equipped in the field of Oncology and chemotherapy administration. Methodology : The literature search was done on various database of PubMed, CINHAL, Medline, Cochrane Journal, google scholar, various website was search too for the related content of the topic. Articles related to the search were selected and the content of the topic was included in this document according to its relevance. Results : In the literature reviews different countries have stated their protocol to be followed in their hospital to improve the practices and provide quality care to their patients. The reviews of the protocols have clearly stated the importance of providing chemotherapy through standard protocol for good practices and better clinical outcomes in patients. Nurses play key role in administering chemotherapy, therefore they have to be updating their knowledge and implement these protocol in their practices. The nurse too should update their knowledge and the senior nurses and ward managers need to adopt theses protocol into their practices and teach their junior nurses. Conclusion : The treatment modalities for cancer are varied. Chemotherapy being the commonest treatment prescribed. Nurses have a chief role in administering chemotherapy. Therefore, the nurses need to adopt the protocols into their practice which will address the nurses and patient’s safety, deliver good practice and lead to quality care to cancer patients, better clinical outcome and compliance to treatment.

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