
AbstractAn intensive camera‐trapping study and a nutrient analysis were carried out to understand how natural licks are important for mammals in inland tropical rain forests where soil cations are usually depleted. Using camera traps, we investigated the fauna, food habits, and the frequency of visitation by species at five natural licks in the Deramakot forest reserve, Sabah, Malaysia. All food‐habit types of mammals (carnivore, herbivore‐frugivore, insectivore, and omnivore), which included 29 (78.4%) of 37 species known in Deramakot, were recorded at the natural licks. The sambar deer, followed by the bearded pig, the lesser mouse‐deer, the Malay badger, and the orangutan were the most commonly recorded species and represented 77.5% in terms of the frequency of appearance in all photographs taken throughout the year. These results indicated that, although the proportion of species recorded at the natural licks relative to the whole mammalian fauna of the forest was high, the frequency of visitation greatly varied among the species, and only a few species dominated. The frequency of visitation seemed to reflect both the density of species and the demand for the minerals, because some endangered, low‐density species were more frequently recorded by cameras than expected—for example, the orangutan which was one of the top five species among natural‐lick users. The natural licks with greater concentrations of minerals in seepage soil water were significantly preferred by the sambar deer and the bearded pig than those with lower concentrations of minerals. This result suggests that the chemical properties of soil water in natural licks determine the frequency of visitation of these herbivorous species that have strong demand for minerals.

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