
Since 1996, the highly pathogenic avian influenza subtype A(H5N1) has been causing almost uninterrupted outbreaks in wild and domestic birds, as well as cases in humans with a mortality rate close to 50%. However, the years of greatest circulation have been precisely the years following the COVID-19 pandemic, in which several cases have been recorded in humans in places where they had never appeared before, in addition to multiple cases in wild, domestic and peri-domestic mammals, which raise some concern about the risk that the virus may jump to humans through chains of transmission of greater or lesser extent. The current outbreak of A(H5N1) shows us that the One-Health concept should be more alive than ever to join efforts between professionals from different sectors of human, animal and environmental health to avoid or minimize these risks, so that reference laboratories such as the National Influenza Centers have the human and material resources to provide rapid and relevant information in the shortest possible time before emergencies of this type. The diagnostic and monitoring tools to be used in these cases must be available for any eventuality, and going beyond the basic data must be an indispensable premise to be able to carry out a detailed monitoring that serves to limit outbreaks, limit the spread of the disease, and help in the design of future pandemic vaccines against avian viruses.

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