
Pharmaceuticals are emerging contaminants of increasing concern because of their presence in the aquatic environment and potential to reach drinking-water sources. After human and/or veterinary consumption, pharmaceuticals can be excreted in unchanged form, as the parent compound, and/or as free or conjugated metabolites. Determination of most pharmaceuticals and metabolites in the environment is commonly made by liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to mass spectrometry (MS). LC coupled to tandem MS is the technique of choice nowadays in this field. The acquisition of two selected reaction monitoring (SRM) transitions together with the retention time is the most widely accepted criterion for a safe quantification and confirmation assay. However, scarce attention is normally paid to the selectivity of the selected transitions as well as to the chromatographic separation. In this work, the importance of full spectrum acquisition high-resolution MS data using a hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight analyser and/or a suitable chromatographic separation (to reduce the possibility of co-eluting interferences) is highlighted when investigating pharmaceutical metabolites that share common fragment ions. For this purpose, the analytical challenge associated to the determination of metabolites of the widely used analgesic dipyrone (also known as metamizol) in urban wastewater is discussed. Examples are given on the possibilities of reporting false positives of dypirone metabolites by LC-MS/MS under SRM mode due to a wrong assignment of identity of the compounds detected.

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