
Modern economies are composed of a network of flexible interactions between individual sectors, branches, and entities, both public and private. Among the key factors in the long-term socio-economic development of modern economies is the correct functioning of the health care system. The system is a complex and structured network of connections between recipients (patients), insurance providers (payers), healthcare providers (hospitals, pharmacies), authorities that control and supervise, as well as the Ministry of Health. In mutual interactions, the key element should be the patient's well-being, which depends on the quality of health care offered. In turn, quality is determined by the level of education and experience of medical and administrative staff, the quality and quantity of technical infrastructure, the level of saturation of the infrastructure with modern equipment and medical devices, the efficiency with which the equipment is used, the speed of internal and external communication systems, etc. Considering the specifics of the field, one could formulate a thesis that a key contributing factor in healthcare lies in the efficiency of human resources, particularly medical personnel. The aim of the chapter is to identify key human resources factors that affect the economic and financial condition of medical institutions based on an analysis of a hospital in the Lublin Voivodeship. The objective was achieved through the review of literature as well as an analysis of the hospital's financials and other documents. On the basis of them, a number of human resources-related measures and indicators have been developed, whose monitoring is crucial to the smooth functioning of hospitals and ensuring timely access to high-quality health services.

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