
Environmental Education (EE) is troubled with those aspects of human behaviour which may be bigger directly associated with man’s interaction with bio-physical surroundings and his potential to know this interaction. One among the foremost obtrusive issues that the planet faces these days is that the environmental pollution. Man has exploited nature to a fault at the value of the environment. There is also an instant need to create humans aware about environmental degradation. Education and public participation may also trade and improve the high-quality of surroundings. At the identical time, Man is exploiting nature to the amount that no-one can escape the hurt brought on out of the greedy grabbling. Man is to barely one in all the countless species existing on earth. Human demands area unit ne'er ending it's against this scenery that the country's EE strategy has been evolved. The constitution of India expressly makes environmental conservation a obligation. The Central Government and everyone states within India currently have a ministry or branch of Environment. Education departments apprehend EE as a very important a vicinity of Education

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