
In Ayurveda, the term "Matra or dose" refers to a measure of quantity, size, length, number, degree, etc.—has been given enormous importance. The greatest doctors are believed to be those who place a high value on maintaining the matra, or dose, of the medication over the course of the treatment. The use of the correct dosage at the appropriate time is one of the general criteria for treating vitiated doshas. The efficiency of Panchakarma therapy depends on both the proper application of various elimination techniques and the development of diverse formulations. Sharangdhara was the first to specify the dose for each panchakarma procedure. The Matra mentioned in Ayurveda has been related to the Posology of modern pharmaceuticals. Posology term is derived from the Greek words poses ("how much") and logos ("science")—is the branch of medicine that deals with dosages. Basti is the best treatment for vata's shamana when it becomes severe, hence regarded as an Ardha or Sampoorna Chikitsa. Nasya is Shodhana Karma especially for Urddhva-jatrugata Vikara (disease which affect the body above clavicle). Each Panchakarma treatment has its own specific dosing system. The emphasis of the current review article is on the Nasya and Basti karma dosage.

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