
AbstractThe multifluid (MF) magnetohydrodynamic model of Mars is improved by solving an additional electron pressure equation. Through the electron pressure equation, the electron temperature is calculated based on the effects from various electron‐related heating and cooling processes (e.g., photoelectron heating, electron‐neutral collision, and electron‐ion collision), and thus, the improved model can calculate the electron temperature and the electron pressure force terms self‐consistently. Model results of a typical case using the MF with electron pressure equation included model are compared in detail to identical cases using the MF and multispecies models to identify the effect of the improved physics. We find that when the electron pressure equation is included, the general interaction patterns are similar to those with no electron pressure equation. However, the MF with electron pressure equation included model predicts that the electron temperature is much larger than the ion temperature in the ionosphere, consistent with both Viking and Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) observations. Using our numerical model, we also examined in detail the relative importance of different forces in the plasma interaction region. All three models are also applied to a MAVEN event study using identical input conditions; overall, the improved model matches best with MAVEN observations. All of the simulation cases are examined in terms of the total ion loss, and the results show that the inclusion of the electron pressure equation increases the escape rates by 50–110% in total mass, depending on solar condition and strong crustal field orientation, clearly demonstrating the importance of the ambipolar electric field in facilitating ion escape.

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