
The body is the outcome of food. Even so, the disease is the outcome of food. The distinction between ease and disease arises on account of wholesome nutrition or the lack of it respectively. Food is the factor that sustains and supports the Deha Dhatus, Ojas, Bala and Varna. Ayurved is mainly based on preventive aspects first than cura- tive. Food is considered as the first pillar among the Nidra(Sleep) and Brahmacharya being the other two. Food is important as a nutritional source, also with therapeutic value. It also plays a very important role during the post- treatment period in regaining the diminished strength due to the harmful effect of the disease. Ayurveda gives immense importance to Pathya Ahar in the words" without the use of Pathyakar Ahar medicines is of no use and if Pathyakar Ahar is taken there is no need of other medicines." This food depends upon Agni to contribute to the nourishment of the body. The body elements or Sharira Dhatus cannot be nourished and developed when food is not properly digested by Agni. Ayurveda considers Dehagni as a cause of life, complexion, strength, health, lus- tre, Oja, Teja, nourishment and Prana. As per Acharya Charak, Agni is divided into 13 types i.e. one Jatharagni, five Bhutagni and seven Dhatvagni. Jatharagni (Digestive power) is directly related to Dhatvagni or bioenergy in the cells and their metabolic processes, with ultimate tissue metabolism or Dhatu Nirmana Processes. All thenormal functions of Dhatu, Upadhatu and Mala in the body all are directly dependent on the health status of Agni. Thus, Pathyakar Ahar and Agni play an important role in the maintenance of healthy life. Keywords: Ahar, Agni, Jatharagnii, Hair, Kesha

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