
The rapid development of information technology has been responded to positively by the Indonesian government for a long time, especially in organizing an electronic GMS, as regulated in Article 77 of Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies. Guidelines for implementing e-GMS were only issued in 2020 because the Covid-19 pandemic threatens the economy and/or the stability of the country's financial system, this provision is in the form of POJK Number 16/POJK.04 / 2020. In Article 12 of the POJK, the implementation of e-GMS is obliged to be made in the form of a notary deed. This raises problems regarding the procedures for reading and signing deeds that cannot be done electronically because they are considered contrary to the Civil Code, the Law on Notary Position, and the ITE Law. The purpose of this research is to analyze the legal basis for the implementation of e-GMS and the minutes of the meeting and the legal consequences of reading and signing the e-GMS Notarial Deed electronically. This study uses a normative juridical research method. The results of the study explain that if the notary reads and signs the e-GMS deed electronically, it will have implications for the evidentiary power of the deed, which is equivalent to the letter under the bill because no regulation explicitly gives the notary authority in that field, so the advice given is e. -RUPS can be conducted electronically, however, the minutes of the meeting are made by the minutes of the meeting, and a copy is given to a notary so that the deed is in the form of a deed of partij and not a deed of relaas. Keywords: legal implications, reading and signing of the deed, e-GMS


  • The rapid development of information technology has been responded to positively by the Indonesian government for a long time, especially in organizing an electronic GMS, as regulated in Article 77 of Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies

  • Guidelines for implementing e-GMS were only issued in 2020 because the Covid-19 pandemic threatens the economy and/or the stability of the country's financial system, this provision is in the form of POJK Number 16/POJK.04 / 2020

  • In Article 12 of the POJK, the implementation of e-GMS is obliged to be made in the form of a notary deed

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Perkembangan teknologi semakin hari semakin meningkat baik di bidang teknologi informasi, pendidikan, perdagangan ekonomi, hingga pelayanan publik baik pemerintah maupun nonpemerintah. Hal tersebut diperkuat dengan regulasi terbaru yaitu iPOJK iNomor i16/POJK.04/2020 Pasal 12 (1) tentangi Pelaksanaani Rapati Umumi Pemegangi Sahami Perusahaan Terbuka iSecara iElektronik, yang berbunyi : “Risalah RUPS secara elektronik wajib dibuat dalam bentuk akta notariil oleh notaris yang terdaftar di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan....”. Larangan pembuatan akta notariil secara elektronik diperkuat kembali dengan ketentuan Pasali 16i ayati (1)i hurufi mi Undang-Undangi Nomori 2i tahuni 2014i tentangi Perubahani Undang-Undangi Nomori 30i Tahun 2004i tentangi Jabatani Notarisi (UUJN) iyang menyatakan bahwai notaris wajib membacakani aktai dihadapan penghadapi dan ditandangani secara fisik oleh penghadap, isaksi-saksi idan iNotaris. Perbedaannya yaitu pembahasan lebih fokus pada mekanisme pembuatan akta beserta kekuatan pembuktian akta RUPS yang dibuat melalui media telekonferensi, sedangkan penelitian penulis lebih memfokuskan pada implikasi yuridis pembacaan dan penandatanganan secara elektronik pada akta risalah e-RUPS dengan mengkaitkan antara regulasi yang satu dengan yang lainnya khususnya pada aturan POJK Nomor i16/POJK.04/2020 yang tidak disinggung dalam penelitian tersebut. Persamaanya yaitu keduanya membahas mengenai Akta RUPS yang dibuat notaris berdasarkan media telekonferensi beserta dasar hukumnya.”

Rumusan Masalah
Metode Penelitian
Kewenangan Notaris dalam Membuat Akta
Landasan Hukum Pelaksanaan e-RUPS dan Risalah Rapatnya
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