
<p>Technological developments today’s have entered a global level and cover all fields including education. To face the challenges of the future, Human Resources must be improved, so compulsory education is a top priority. In relation to Hinduism education, the teacher as an educator must absolutely be able to develop 21st century skills, as stated in the 2013 Curriculum implementation, so that students are able to realize it when they enter the community. The implications of 21st century skills in the process of Hinduism education actually expect that Hindu students as the next generation of Hindus in the future, are able to think critically to break down irrelevant dogmas. 21st century skills also emphasize improving social and spiritual attitudes that are able to realize Hindu students care for others, care for the environment, and have strong <em>sradha</em> and <em>bhakti</em>. In addition, 21st century skills also expect Hindu students to have online-based work skills and readiness to compete globally. Thus, Hindu’s students as the next generation of young people will be able to face the challenges of the future in the future with strong human resources and also have great spiritual mentality.</p>


  • Technological developments today‟s have entered a global level and cover all fields including education

  • The implications of 21st century skills in the process of Hinduism education expect that Hindu students as the generation of Hindus in the future, are able to think critically to break down irrelevant dogmas. 21st century skills emphasize improving social and spiritual attitudes that are able to realize Hindu students care for others, care for the environment, and have strong sradha and bhakti

  • Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten: Prosiding Active Learning Facilitatar Assoclation (ALFA) IV

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Segala sesuatu kini serba berbasis online. Kehidupan manusia semua didasari dengan jaringan internet, mulai dari aplikasi sederhana hingga pada aplikasi yang canggih. Dari lahirnya Revolusi Industri 4.0 tersebut, tentu manusia harus dapat mengembangkan dan juga meningkatkan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM), untuk menghadapi tantangan masa depan. Dalam pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia yang unggul, tentu harus didasari dengan pendidikan yang terarah sebagai pondasi yang kuat dalam menghadapi kemajuan zaman dimasa mendatang. Tinjauan tentang persiapan manusia untuk menghadapi tantangan masa depan, jika di lihat dari sudut pandang pendidikan sebenarnya sudah tertera dalam implementasi Kurikulum 2013, yaitu pada penyiapan generasi emas untuk sekian tahun mendatang. Dapat di lihat bahwa aspek yang terdapat pada setiap Kompetensi Inti dalam Kurikulum 2013 mengharapkan terciptanya generasi emas untuk 27 tahun mendatang. Penyiapan generasi emas untuk tahun 2045 dapat diterapkan melalui pengembangan keterampilan abad 21 dalam implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Peran pendidikan sangat menjadi prioritas utama dalam mewujudkan generasi emas untuk menghadapi tantangan zaman pada masa mendatang. Pembangunan dan pengembangan bidang pendidikan menjadi sangat penting, guna terciptanya generasi bangsa yang unggul

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