
The purpose of this study was to analyze the philosophical basis and implications of the Decision of the Main Assembly of Bali Pakraman Village Number 01/Kep/Psm-3/MDP Bali/X/2010 on the position of Balinese women in the family and inheritance. This study used a normative juridical method with a philosophical and conceptual approach, which discussed legal rules or regulations as a system associated with legal events. The study results showed that the philosophical basis for the Decision of the Main Assembly of the Bali Pakraman Village Number 01/Kep/Psm-3/MDP Bali/X/2010 was a patrilineal system Balinese society which did not provide opportunities for Balinese women to become heirs. The implication of the decision of the Main Assembly of the Bali Pakraman Village Number 01/Kep/Psm-3/MDP Bali/X/2010 was the realization of gender equality between Balinese men and women in obtaining rights, although with different amounts of inheritance.


  • Abstract: the purpose of this study was to analyze the philosophical basis and implications of the Decision of the Main Assembly of Bali Pakraman Village Number 01/Kep/ Psm-3/Majelis Desa Pakraman (MDP) Bali/X/2010 on the position of Balinese women in the family and inheritance

  • The study results showed that the philosophical basis for the Decision of the Main Assembly of the Bali Pakraman Village Number 01/Kep/Psm-3/MDP Bali/X/2010 was a patrilineal system Balinese society which did not provide opportunities for Balinese women to become heirs

  • Tinjauan Yuridis Pembagian Waris bagi Perempuan menurut Hukum Adat Bali Setelah Berlakunya Keputusan Persamuhan Agung III Majelis Utama Desa Pakraman (MUDP) Bali Nomor 01/Kep/Psm-3/Majelis Desa Pakraman (MDP) Bali/X/2010

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Abstract: the purpose of this study was to analyze the philosophical basis and implications of the Decision of the Main Assembly of Bali Pakraman Village Number 01/Kep/ Psm-3/MDP Bali/X/2010 on the position of Balinese women in the family and inheritance. Abstrak: tujuan kajian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis dasar filosofis dan implikasi Keputusan Majelis Utama Desa Pakraman Bali Nomor 01/Kep/Psm-3/MDP Bali/X/2010 terhadap kedudukan wanita bali dalam keluarga dan pewarisan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa dasar filosofis Keputusan Majelis Utama Desa Pakraman Bali Nomor 01/ Kep/Psm-3/MDP Bali/X/2010 yaitu adanya sistem patrilineal dalam masyarakat Bali yang tidak memberikan kesempatan bagi wanita Bali untuk menjadi ahli waris. Ketentuan mengenai anak kandung dan anak angkat telah dijelaskan dalam angka 4 Keputusan Majelis Desa Pakraman Bali Nomor 01/Kep/Psm-3/MDP Bali/X/2010 tanggal 15 Oktober 2010, bahwa anak kandung (laki-laki atau perempuan) serta anak angkat (laki-laki atau perempuan) berhak atas harta guna kaya orang tuanya. Kajian ini menganalisis mengenai Keputusan Majelis Utama Desa Pakraman Bali Nomor 01/Kep/Psm-3/MDP Bali/X/2010 tentang Kedudukan Wanita Bali dalam Keluarga dan Pewarisan, dengan harapan dapat memberikan wawasan terkait masyarakat adat Bali khususnya kedudukan suami, istri, dan anak terhadap harta pusaka dan harta guna kaya. Pandangan atau doktrin dapat memberikan penjelasan mengenai pengertian, konsep, maupun asas hukum yang relevan dengan permasalahan

SIMPULAN Dasar filosofis Keputusan Majelis Utama
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