
The focus of the study in this article is the existence of a taxation cluster in the copyright law with its formation using the omnibus law method. The use of the omnibus law method has the potential to overcome overlapping regulations, efficiency of regulatory changes, and overcome sectoral ego in legislation. This can be seen in the taxation cluster in the employment copyright law with several changes occurring in it. Despite public opinion about tax collection, the taxation cluster arrangement in the copyright law can have a positive impact on economic improvement through dividend tax exemptions and tax incentives for publicly listed companies. This article aims to answer the impact of the copyright law in improving the economy in Indonesia, as well as the implications of the taxation cluster in the omnibus law as an improvement in the Indonesian economy. The results of this study indicate that: The Taxation Cluster in the copyright law is a strategic step by the Government of Indonesia to improve the country’s economy. The taxation cluster changes in the law aim to strengthen the economic and financial sectors by simplifying tax regulations, encouraging investment, reducing the tax burden, and addressing investment barriers. Overall, the tax arrangements in the job creation law have great potential to drive economic growth, support national development, and strengthen Indonesia’s economic position if implemented effectively.
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