
Abstract We show that point sources of dark energy can explain accelerated late-time expansion and, simultaneously, satisfy observational constraints on massive compact objects. Population III stellar collapse into GEneric Objects of Dark Energy (GEODEs) between 8 ≲ z ≲ 20 mimics the observed ΩΛ within the typical concordance cosmology. We determine the appropriate dynamical model of aggregate GEODE flow within covariant linear perturbation theory. We find that all continuum fluid properties, at large scales, are determined by the internal properties and spin of individual GEODEs. For large spin, the spatial distribution of GEODEs becomes uniform on scales ≲200 Mpc. The power spectrum of cold dark matter is essentially unaltered. A Population III GEODE scenario provides an observationally consistent physical origin for accelerated late-time expansion while imposing no new constraints on structure formation.

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