
Numerous studies of the south polar region of Saturn's moon Enceladus have focused on the four main fractures (the tiger stripes), their associated water plume, and the effects of diurnal tidal stresses on these fractures. However, due to their small magnitude (10–100 kPa), diurnal stresses alone are unable to completely explain the initial formation of the tiger stripes and the many additional fractures in the region. We suggest nonsynchronous rotation (NSR) stresses, induced by a freely rotating ice shell over a global ocean, are large enough to overcome the tensile strength of the ice shell and initiate fracturing on Enceladus. Using the tidal stress calculation program SatStressGUI, we demonstrate the dependence of the magnitude of the NSR stress on the thickness of the ice shell, particularly the brittle outer layer of the ice shell. We suggest the brittle layer in the south polar region is 2–4 km thick whereas in the more northern regions, it is 6–8 km. The difference is most likely due to the elevated energy flux at the south pole, compared to the regions to the north, resulting in a warmer and thinner ice shell in the south polar region. The thinner ice around the south pole permits NSR tensile stresses of ∼5 MPa, enough to fracture the ice. However, the thicker ice to the north reduces the NSR stress to less than 2 MPa making fracturing less likely. The difference in ice shell thickness, and resultant NSR stress, can help explain the activity in the south, but relative quiescence in the north. Our modeled NSR stress magnitudes and orientations suggests a NSR period on the order of 1 Myr and advocate that the tiger stripes have rotated ∼45° clockwise about the south pole since their initial formation in response to NSR of the ice shell. If the ice shell is rotating at a constant rate, the tiger stripes would thus be up to ∼100,000 years old. An apparent decreasing angular separation between consecutive fracture sets that formed in the south polar region suggests an ice shell that has weakened in strength over the course of its recent geologic history; this could be a result of increased heating, thinning of the ice shell, or a combination of the two. As the ice shell thinned, the NSR stresses were enhanced, making fracturing more likely after a smaller amount of NSR compared to the previous fracturing episode.

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