
This paper reviews the development of information technology, or computers and communication (C & C) technology, over the last four years. It describes the development of systems and technologies required for the global integrated communications networks and services leading up to the 21st century. The influence of C & C networks on society is discussed. The author believes that they will help to solve the employment problem by absorbing labour into tertiary industry and software development, and also help to shrink the economic gap between the industrialized and developing countries. Social structures will be transformed from centralized to distributed systems. and a part of the population now concentrated in major cities will become dispersed throughout the countryside. The networks will also change the concept of national boundaries to information flow, and help to create a common culture for humankind while maintaining original local cultures. They will promote the building of interdependent systems among nations. Finally, the paper presents the major tasks facing humankind to realize the C & C service networks. The author shows how in his view global integrated communications networks and services can play a major role in the creation of a peaceful human society.

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