
Considering that the motions of the particles take place on continuous but non-differentiable curves, i.e. on fractals with constant fractal dimension, an extended scale relativity model in its hydrodynamic version is built. In this approach, static (particle in a box and harmonic oscillator) and time-dependent (free particle etc.) systems are analyzed. The static systems can be associated with a coherent fractal fluid (of superconductor or of super-fluid types behavior), whose particles are moving on stationary trajectories. The complex speed field of the fractal fluid proves to be essential: the zero value of the real (differentiable) part specifies the coherence of the fractal fluid, while the non-zero value of the imaginary (non-differentiable or fractal) part selects, through some “quantization” relations, the “stationary” trajectories (that may correspond to the observables from quantum mechanics) of the fractal fluid particles. Moreover, the momentum transfer in the fractal fluid is achieved only through the fractal component of the complex speed field. The free time-dependent systems can be associated with an incoherent fractal fluid, and both the differentiable and fractal components of complex speed field are inhomogeneous in fractal coordinates due to the action of a fractal potential. It exist momentum transfer on both speed components and the “observable” in the form of an uniform motion is generated through a specific mechanism of “vacuum” polarization induced by the same fractal potential. The analysis on the fractal fluid specifies conductive properties in the case of movements synchronization both on differentiable and fractal scales, and convective properties in the absence of synchronization.

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