
Varicose veins are characterized by abnormally twisted, dilated superficial vessels that are caused by the inefficient or defective valves within the vein. It is currently a prevalent disease with the incidence varying globally between 10% and 60%. The Unani Medicine (also called Greco-Arab medicine) is the ancient system of medicine practiced all around the world. According to the Unani classical text, Leech therapy (Irsal-e-Alaq) is one of the most important regimenal therapy for the successful treatment and management of varicose vein and a unique combination of Asbab-e-Sitta Zarooriyah (Six essential factors) is involved in the prevention of this disease. The research studies have proved that medicinal leech therapy displays anticoagulant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Leech saliva contains medicinally useful bioactive molecules like hirudin, histamine, etc. that shows anti-coagulant effect and hence improve microcirculation in diseases like varicose vein. Leech therapy is reliable, well tolerated, cost effective treatment that has the potential of preventing varicose vein complications. This review seeks to describe medicinal leech therapy, present therapeutic leech species, and highlight the processes by which leech saliva affects wound healing. Additionally, the review paper highlights the role of Asbab-e-Sitta Zarooriyah in prevention and control of varicose veins. Irregularity in diet and lifestyle may cause disturbance in normal body functioning, which may lead to lifestyle disorder that is a major risk factor thought to influence the susceptibility of varicose vein. The Unani System exerts a major influence on preventing the development of varicose vein by making modification in Asbab-e-Sitta Zarooriyah.

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