
Researchers and education professionals agree that educational research is often disconnected from the problems and issues of everyday practice: a division that creates the need for new research approaches that speak directly to the problems of practice and that lead to the development of "usable knowledge". As a consequence of this disconnection between practice and research results, physics classes in our country rarely present opportunities for students to get productively involved in the discipline In this paper, some results of previous research have been selected for designing an introductory class to electrical circuits for high school Design-Based Research is a paradigm for the study of learning in context through the systematic design and study of instructional strategies. The designed class is implemented in 2 groups of 15 students aged 14/15. In class, the effectiveness of learning is analyzed from the considerations raised by Engle and Conant in 2002, to account for productive disciplinary engagement (PDE). The results show that 1) it is necessary to reconsider the inclusion of a given task to gather preconceptions from students for a future redesign of the exercise, 2) students engage productively in a disciplinary way when working with activities designed to address the content and, 3) the presence of an authorized student and holder of the canonical knowledge of the topic addressed in the class, can interfere in the distribution of authority among the class participants and therefore in the PDI degree achieved by all students.

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