
On June 9, 2014 the Committee of Fisheries (COFI) of FAO endorsed the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines). For millions of small-scale fisheries people around the world who are poor and marginalized, this was a historic moment and a potential turning point. The SSF Guidelines are the first instrument of its kind particularly aimed at promoting the sustainability of this sector. As the SSF Guidelines address a range of issues that are complex and politically contentious, there are reasons to expect that their implementation will be challenging and far from straight forward. In fact, one may assume that the SSF Guidelines will meet resistance as they are brought from the international level to local communities where fishing people live and work. This book examines the extent to which the SSF Guidelines’ implementation is being initiated around the world and the limitations and opportunities involved in their contextualization and operationalization. It draws on case studies from more than 30 countries in which small-scale fisheries play an important role for food security and community well-being. What can the SSF Guidelines do to promote food security, alleviate poverty, and secure human rights, while at the same time empower fishing communities to take control of their future?

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