
Model-Driven Development (MDD) is becoming increasingly popular as a choice for developing information systems. Tools that support the principles of MDD are also growing in number and variety of available functionality. MetaEdit+ is a meta-modeling tool used for developing Domain Specific Languages and is identified as an MDD tool. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and Graphical Modeling Project (GMP) are two Eclipse projects that provide plug-ins to support the principles of MDD. In this paper, we report on our experience in using MetaEdit+ and the Eclipse plug-ins for developing a graphical editor for the unifying meta-model, which is an MDD approach that extends the traditional view of MDD to cover Enterprise Modeling. The two modeling environments are reviewed using quality areas that are identified by the research community as necessary in MDD tools. This report will provide useful insights for researchers and practitioners alike concerning the use of MetaEdit+ and the Eclipse plug-ins as MDD tools.

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