
To describe the process of creating precepted, student pharmacist-led health outreach events at long-term care facilities and to describe the lessons learned during the implementation process. Yakima, Washington, a medically underserved area. Pharmacy students, supervised by pharmacist preceptors, conducted health outreach events at local long-term care facilities on a rotating monthly basis. These students provided comprehensive medication reviews, blood pressure screenings, and blood glucose screenings. Pharmacists providing medication reviews at long-term care facilities where residents manage their medications can address polypharmacy by identifying medication discrepancies, determining the effectiveness of treatment, and improving patient outcomes. Conducting health outreach events with pharmacy-student involvement includes the added benefit of providing students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience before beginning their clinical Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) rotations and practice skills described in the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Geriatric Pharmacy Curriculum Guide and Pharmacist's Patient Care Process. Nineteen health outreach events at long-term care facilities were held, and more than 100 residents participated annually. Students coordinated events successfully after developing a standardized set of questions, which was necessary for planning, and identifying someone to act as an event coordinator, recruiting students and ensuring they were appropriately trained, and creating a monitoring form to be filled in and shared with the participant. Students learned key lessons including naming the events appropriately to avoid confusion, understanding that not all long-term care facilities are alike, deciding how many students to recruit from each cohort to participate in events, optimizing the preceptor-to- student ratio, and ensuring preceptors were thorough in their oversight of students. This work described the implementation of health outreach events conducted by supervised student pharmacists at long-term care facilities. Health outreach events could be conducted by other colleges or facilities to provide important medication review and health screening services for long-term care facilities' residents, as well as providing student pharmacists with opportunities to learn and practice patient-care related skills.

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