
This research paper aims at reviewing the effect of specific internal procedures undertaken in the boundaries of a municipality during the adaptation process of a “Smart City” strategy. By using a unique, tailor-made questionnaire and advance statistical techniques, we try to identify which factors turn to be crucial in implementing successful smart strategies. The paper maps, evaluates and analyses the strategic actions of the Greek Municipalities from an internal and external perspective of a public authority. Results show most local authorities try to formulate a coherent framework to efficiently utilize available resources and enhance productivity and quality of the services provided. Even though the majority of cities have embedded in their digital strategies various forms of smart projects, a rather partial implementation of relevant initiatives in their day-to-day operations is noticed. The challenges and prerequisites for an effective implementation of smart strategies have been explored. Furthermore, we assess their design, which may mitigate risks and lead to higher returns, at the earliest possible stage. This allows us to map the crucial factors that may open their “appetite” for a successful strategy towards a smarter future.

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