
Abstract Recent numerical weather prediction systems have significantly improved medium-range forecasts by implementing hybrid background error covariance, for which climatological (static) and ensemble-based (flow-dependent) error covariance are combined. While the hybrid approach has been investigated mainly in variational systems, this study aims at exploring methods for implementing the hybrid approach for the local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LETKF). Following Kretschmer et al., the present study constructed hybrid background error covariance by adding collections of climatological perturbations to the forecast ensemble. In addition, this study proposes a new localization method that attenuates the ensemble perturbation (Z-localization) instead of inflating observation error variance (R-localization). A series of experiments with a simplified global atmospheric model revealed that the hybrid LETKF resulted in smaller forecast errors than the LETKF, especially in sparsely observed regions. Due to the larger ensemble enabled by the hybrid approach, optimal localization length scales for the hybrid LETKF were larger than those for the LETKF. With the LETKF, the Z-localization resulted in similar forecast errors as the R-localization. However, Z-localization has an advantage in enabling us to apply different localization scales for flow-dependent perturbation and climatological static perturbations with the hybrid LETKF. The optimal localization for climatological perturbations was slightly larger than that for flow-dependent perturbations. This study also proposes optimal eigendecomposition (OED) ETKF formulation to reduce computational costs. The computational expense of the OED ETKF formulation became significantly smaller than that of standard ETKF formulations as the number of climatological perturbations was increased beyond a few hundred.

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