
Background/Objectives: Database as a Service (DBaaS) model is used to manage databases in public cloud environment. Placing critical data on the cloud environment outside the organization that should have guarantee that data is secure, confidential and available at any time to legitimate user. User should be able to retrieve cloud database efficiently. Methods: Architecture proposed in this work provides data confidentiality for cloud databases. It is designed to allow multiple and independent clients to connect to the cloud without intermediate server. Data is encrypted before upload to the cloud. Multiple cryptography techniques are used to convert plaintext into encrypted data. Data will not be exposed to the cloud provider and any other public user who are not registered to access the database. Encrypted query submission model is used to secure the query values and maintain confidentiality. Findings: By using adaptive encryption system does not require the choice of encryption scheme must be adopted for each database column and SQL operation at design time. Encryption schemes are able to perform most of the query operations on encrypted cloud database. In this system set of queries are not decided at design time. It works even when set of query will change dynamically. This is not possible with the existing system. Application/Improvements: Using adaptive encryption scheme most of the operations are performed on encrypted cloud database. Execution time of various SQL operations is improved as compared to the previous system. Keywords: Adaptive, Confidentiality, Encryption, Public Cloud, Security

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