
Companies often announce their corporate social responsibility (“CSR”) mission statements and commitments with great public fanfare, pledging to proactively contribute to improving social conditions and protecting the environment. While putting the company’s brand and reputation on the line in this way is important, the reality is that CSR cannot and will not be effective unless and until it is tightly integrated into every aspect of organizational operations including products and services, governance systems and practices, culture, marketing and other external communications, training, recruiting and relationships with business partners. Once the CSR commitments are finalized and published, attention needs to turn to the actual implementation of those commitments, which includes the day-to-day decisions, processes, practices and activities that are required in order for the company to adhere to its commitments and effectively carry out its overall CSR strategy. A company that fails to implement its CSR commitments will find itself losing employees, customers and business partners and will see its standing in the marketplace and community plummet.

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