
With the growth and large-scale usage of social networks in the dissemination of knowledge in Higher education Institutions, a need is being increasingly felt to tame and utilize this vast (read Big) data for a more worldly use. With the use of various NASA (Network Analysis Software Applications) Tools, this aim can be easily achieved. NASA can be applied to various online social media networks generated data sets used by Educational Institutions like Twitter, Linked, or Proprietary Institution specific platforms for predicting and formulating student specific academic, safe-campus, and business strategies. As widely known, the above-listed social media (SM) applications help us in sharing digital artifacts (antiques) and capturing digital footprints. The common utility among these social media applications is that they are able to create natural network data. These OSMNs (online social media networks) represent the links or relationships between content generators as they look, react, comment, or link to one another’s content. There are many forms of computer-mediated social interaction which includes SMS messages, emails, discussion groups, blogs, wikis, videos, and photo sharing systems, chat rooms, and “social network services”. All these applications generate social media datasets of social friendships. Thus OSMNs have academic and pragmatic value and can be leveraged to illustrate the crucial contributors and the content. Our study takes all the above into account and thus shall explore the various Network Analysis Software Applications to study the practical aspects of big data analytics that can be used to better strategies Higher learning Institutions.

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