
The paradigm of three pillars of mandatory tasks has shifted at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), from former: education, research, and community service individually, became more integrated into research-based learning and community service. This paper will generally look at the initiative and strategy taken by UGM in planning and developing a sustainable campus. UGM developed the Sustainable Blue Campus program as an implementation of the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program. The program was expected to be a milestone in increasing participation in sustainable development with a multi-disciplinary approach at UGM. Academic and non-academic atmosphere to support the integrated education, research, and community service processes in universities in the current era must be developed under the style of millennial students. Co-learning system 4.0 in the cyber campus for the millennial student in the era of destructive innovation with the support of sophisticated IT and significant data access seems to be the most appropriate learning media. The empowerment paradigm implements the principles of win-win solution, co-creation, co-finance, flexibility, sustainability. The program will be implemented through network collaboration between UGM and the regional government, industry, community, professional associations. Blue campus revitalization should be able to become the initial sustainable blue earth with a more dignified and sustainable environment and life.

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