
This investigation was conducted at the Lugansk State Academy of Culture and Arts named after Mikhail Matusovsky at the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts at the Department of Graphic Design and Department of Easel Painting, as well as the Lugansk College of Technology and Design. The research aimed to propose a pedagogical model for the development of artistic and imaginative thinking and, in particular, the active implementation of the stylization of artistic method in the educational process. The researcher employed a stratometric method to sample the working groups. Eight study groups, of 16 people each one, with certain characteristics participated in the experiment. The study revealed the experiments that were used to implement the work methodology, identifying abilities and artistic vision of students it is search-and-transform, ascertaining, forming, and control experiments. Also, the analysis and comparative characteristics of the initial stage and the final stage of the experiment were carried out, the results of which are shown, which prove the effectiveness of the method and pedagogical methodical model. Finally, as a conclusion, the author refers to the need to introduce new methods in the educational process and their application in the disciplines of the artistic cycle. Moreover, it is recommended to analyze an object and to decompose it into simple components, thereby finding its structure formation. The result will be the creation of a work of art that is endowed with inner content.

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