
The article is dedicated to one of the four overarching principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: the principle of the best interests of the child. A scientific study was conducted to clarify the content of the described principle and define its constituent elements, which are implemented during legal proceedings. An attempt was made to develop proposals for improving the child-friendly justice system, with due consideration given to the principle of the best interests of the child. This principle holds paramount importance in the field of protecting children’s rights, finding reflection both at the international level and within national legal systems. Importantly, it comes into effect whenever the rights of children are at stake.It is emphasized that the national legislation lacks a specific definition of the principle of the best interests of the child and a list of elements that reveal its content.It has been concluded that international standards and especially the approaches of the UN Committee on Human Rights, which are already integrated into national judicial practice, serve as a crucial guide in this aspect.Given that the court is the entity most frequently tasked with assessing the content and elements of the best interests of the child, there is a need for the justice system to intensify its emphasis on implementing this principle.In light of this, both the judicial procedure and its legislative framework require enhancement, incorporating specific norms that guide law enforcement entities to prioritize the best interests of the child. Similar approaches are being adopted in other countries, serving as positive examples for Ukraine.The conclusions drawn in the study indicate the need to strengthen scientific discussions and generalizations, which would help to improve the child-friendly justice system, highlighting the features of one of its most important principles – the best interests of the child.The conclusions drawn in the study underscore the necessity to strengthen scientific discussions and generalizations, which would contribute to the enhancement of the child-friendly justice system, emphasizing the features of one of its most crucial principles – the best interests of the child.

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