
Abstract: HAR is a field of study that aims to develop algorithms and techniques for automatically identifying and classifying human activities. Different people can execute an activity in various ways, and the same action might have numerous versions. Modern human activity recognition systems are largely taught and utilised on video stream and picture data in order to identify the features and activities, variations in the data having similar or related movements. Human-to-human and human-computer contact both heavily rely on human activity recognition. Systems that are manually operated take much longer and cost more money. The goal of this project is to develop a quicker, more affordable system for recognizing human activity and detect threats proactively through live camera. This system will help the end user in a variety of applications, such as surveillance and assistance in examination centres, hospitals, restricted areas, banks etc. by identifying the activity being carried out in the video or picture and give out alerts if detected any suspicious activity. Not only will this system be affordable, but it also functions as a utility-based system that can be integrated into a variety of applications to speed up and assist with various tasks that require recognition, which will result in significant time savings and high accuracy.

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