
Abstract: Communication might seem a simple act for normal people, but for the ones who are suffering from physical or psychological disability find it very difficult for communicating with others. This communication barrier needs to be removed for which there are various techniques that are being used, out of which some are verbal, non-verbal, visual and written. For mute and deaf people these communication barrier is a major problem which can adversely affect their lives adding to their already challenging lives. For this sign languages are the best possible option, as they bridge the gap between communication of these deaf and mute people with normal people. We have created a machine learning model in order to solve this issue which will identify these signs and interpret them to detect which alphabet is signified. The model will be detecting the American Sign Language (ASL) which is one of the most widely used sign language and a type of fingerspelling. The model will form words out of the identified alphabets which will also be then converted into speech. The key algorithm which will be used is a special type of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for image recognition. All the documentation regarding the model along with its working is provided in this paper. With high precision and accuracy the model aims to ease the communication of deaf and mute people.

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