
Engineering students graduating from a higher education institution (HEI) are expected to have hands-on experience to be relevance in employment. Work-Based Learning (WBL) is defined as a learning method that engages or includes students in real-world employment so that they may learn the needs of job competencies, experience the job culture first-hand, and uncover career options. Industrial training (IT) is a work-based learning approach required of engineering students as part of their diploma courses. Implementation of IT with duration of 18 weeks was employed for 27 students Diploma in Electrical Engineering students. Students undergo fields rotation with different appointed supervisors throughout the IT period. The IT that was implemented enabled students to obtain important industrial exposure. Industrial visitation at a coal power plant was arranged to give additional industrial exposure to the students. Oral presentation at the end of the course, logbook and final report submission are assessed by assigned supervisors and lecturers for evaluation of each student. The study has offered insights into current IT implementation as well as some suggestions for the future implementation. To track the institution's IT implementation, the study should be applied to the following cohorts.

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