
Construction waste has a major impact on the environment. With the demands in implementing major infrastructure projects in Malaysia, together with many commercial building and housing development programmes, a large amount of construction waste is being produced by the construction sector. Thus, waste minimisation is an important area of concern in the implementation of the construction waste management in the construction industry of Malaysia. This study identified 12 waste minimisation factors (WMF) in implementing construction waste management in the construction industry. This study provides empirical evidence on the significant level of contribution and the level of practice among the waste minimisation factors by following the model of weighted average and minimisation and practiced index value. The results of the analysis indicate the most significant, least significant and significant factors that contribute to waste minimisation and the most practiced, least practiced and practiced waste minimisation factors in the Malaysian construction industry. The findings will assist in the formulation of appropriate policy interventions in addressing the construction waste management problem in Malaysia and indirectly improving the quality of construction in the country.

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