
Abstract: Human interaction with computers is increasing everyday with the advancement in Technology. The different ways of interaction with computers have become an important factor in choosing devices. Humans are more interested in lightweight, touchless technologies that can make the work easier and easier. In this Paper, a virtual keyboard and mouse that act as touchless input medium to Computers and eliminates the use of physical keyboard and mouse has been proposed. The virtual keyboard and mouse are designed to execute its functionality by recognizing hand gestures. The project is build using Python, OpenCV, MediaPipe technologies which provides features for hand gesture controls. It requires a computer or laptop with camera. The idea is to display the customized keyboard layout on the computer screen and the built-in camera captures the hands and its movements over the virtual keyboard layout. A forefinger hovering over the keyboard keys highlights those keys and when the tips of forefinger and middle finger met, then that key is clicked, which is taken as input to computer and displayed on the screen. A virtual mouse has been designed to function as a physical mouse based on hand gestures. The virtual mouse recognizes the fingertip of forefinger and movement of that finger is considered as cursor movements. When the forefinger points to the elements on the screen, it is highlighted as if the cursor is placed over those elements. The overlapping of tips of forefinger and middle finger are designed as a click.

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