
Keyword: Service improvement Purpose: March 23rd government implemented social distancing/lockdown came into force. NHS services were halted/appointments cancelled. Remote consultations allowed us to provide a service for patients. This abstract looks at Patient/Parent satisfaction for virtual consultations between April/May 2020 (Paediatric MSK Physiotherapy team, Southampton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) The aim was to review the Patient/Parent satisfaction for virtual consultations implemented due Covid-19, between April 2020 and May 2020, by the paediatric MSK physiotherapy team at Southampton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Methods: A questionnaire was devised and sent via a survey monkey following their virtual sessions. Including:1.As the governments advice changes and we start doing face to face but with some limitations what would your preference be for future appointments?2.Once full service has resumed if we are able to offer virtual appointments in lieu of face to face contacts would you find this useful? This data has been collated and outcomes presented. Recommendations have then been made Results: Parent questionnaire: A total of 30 parents were completed via the survey monkey Question 1=•60% wanted video consultation•40% wanted Face to face Question 2=•83.33% would find video consults helpful once full service was resumed•16.67% would not want video consults helpful once full service was resumed Feedback included: Virtual•“It was easier and I still felt my child was assessed well”•“No travelling”•“Save time coming in the hospital but may be every 2 or 3 sessions should be face to face”•“Ease of having the apt in your own home. The physio can actually see the person and determine that they are doing the exercises correctly”•“Prevents being in hospital”•“Extremely vulnerable patient”•“I think it should be a combination of face to face and video web-link.” Face to Face•“It's easier to be shown what to do face to face”•“Detailed examination needed for physiotherapy – better face to face”•“For my daughter to have someone show her exactly what to do, how it feels etc.”•“Would have been better for physio to physically feel/manipulate my sons knee rather than rely on him trying to find the bit they meant, still room for error if not face to face”•“Face to face to more accurately assess patient”•“More accurate assessment and interaction”•“So the physiotherapist can assess my daughter's joints and check she is doing the exercises correctly Conclusion(s): Data shows that parents and patients would find virtual consultation useful once full service resumes after Covid-19 lockdown. This data will enable us to make changes to our service and include virtual clinics within our weekly diaries. Limitations to this review are the small data set. To enable a larger data set we are organising a questionnaire that can be completed on-line straight after their virtual consultation on the attend anywhere platform. Impact: We have implemented virtual sessions and will be reviewing the satisfaction data on a regular basis to ensure this is still something that our patients require. Funding acknowledgements: Not funded.

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