
Introduction: In the competitive world, it is necessary to be aware of all tools and knowledge as well as to learn the correct use of tools and techniques of lean manufacturing. The lean manufacturing concepts are always trying to achieve the lowest loss and highest efficiency in production planning. In this production mode which now operates in manufacturing sectors, the value stream map is currently applied as one of the most efficient tools. Value stream map has also been recently used as a method of planning in the service sectors in particular in the health and emergency. Method: This research work aims to use the value stream map in a public emergency sector in an Iranian hospital. At the beginning, data have been collected through timing followed by drawing the current flow map in emergency conditions. Improving suggestions and removing unnecessary activities have been proposed considering the lean manufacturing concepts. The proposed map, targeting to the future improvement, has also been presented and data analy- sis was done using the well-known software of EASYFIT. Standard normal test has been utilized to check the existing difference between current and future stream maps in terms of waiting and processing times. Results: The current and suggested stream maps have been simulated using ARENA and comparing results revealed that the improvement of 6.336 minutes and 77.76 seconds have been achieved in waiting and processing times, respectively. Using standard normal test also showed that there are significant differences between average waiting and processing times over the current and future stream maps. Discussion: Since, comparing the results shows statistical improvement on average waiting and processing times on the current and future stream maps, it can be concluded that using value stream map technique is capable to improve service quality in medical centers.

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