
Outage in cloud computing services is a critical issue and is primarily attributed to the single data center connectivity. To address the cloud outage, this work proposes a model for the subscription and selection of more than one data center. Selection of data center can be determined by the usage of broker at the user ends itself. Provision of broker at user's end reduces the overhead at provider's end; as a result performance of cloud data center improves. For the selection of appropriate data center, broker takes the feedback from the available data centers, and select one of them. During the selection of cloud, their status (up/down) at that particular time is also considered. In case of outage at one data center, other can be selected from the available list. Broker also facilitates the homogeneous use of cloud by allotting the load to less congested data centers. Experimental results revealed that multiple data center approach is not only helpful in countering the outage (as other data center can be selected from the broker) but also the usage cost.

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