
This study aims to examine and analyze the implementation of cross-border policies that occur in the Border Region of the Republic of Indonesia - Papua New Guinea, inhibiting and supporting factors of cross-border problems, Efforts to resolve cross-border problems. This research was conducted in a descriptive qualitative form with a cas approach. Implementation of Transboundary Policy of the Republic of Indonesia – Papua New Guinea. The implementation of the Transboundary Policy of the Republic of Indonesia – Papua New Guinea in Skofro Village has not been implemented properly. Inhibiting and supporting factors, this shows that there are still many problems and obstacles related to Cross Borders. Lack of infrastructure and there are still many people in Skofro Village who do not have a Cross-Border Pass Card. The immigration office makes it easy to arrange a Cross-Border Pass Card. Efforts to resolve cross-border problems are by approaching community leaders, youth leaders, religious leaders, and traditional leaders to provide understanding regarding the rules of Cross-Border Affairs. Providing infrastructure such as Integrated Posts and Providing supporting documents (Passport Cross Borders) to cross the Borders of the Republic of Indonesia – Papua New Guinea.

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