
The Gampong-Owned Enterprises program is precisely in Gampong Lancang Barat, Dewantara District, North Aceh Regency. BUMG is one form of strategy to mobilize the economic sector and community empowerment, especially in Gampong. This BUMG is named BUMG Makmue Beusaree and currently there are two types of businesses that are still running, namely tent rental and ADG Printing located in Tambon Baroh Village, Krueng Geukueh. This research method uses a qualitative approach descriptive type of analysis and uses the theory of policy implementation proposed by Edward III which focuses on communication and resources. The phenomenon that occurs is related to the obstacles that hinder the BUMG program, including the lack of human resources who have expertise and the lack of communication and special socialization that makes the development of BUMG not optimal and has not been able to develop a wide range of community economic empowerment through the BUMG program, thus causing community participation to reduce its contribution. The results showed that the implementation of the BUMG program has been running conceptually, this is indicated by the benefits resulting from the BUMG program can increase the original income of Lancang Gampong Barat, the obstacle is the lack of community participation to contribute due to a lack of understanding of the program caused by a lack of socialization and coordination this makes its implementation not optimal, thus making the BUMG program unable to absorb a lot of labor or human resources from the Lancang Gampong Barat community. The village government must be able to assess the quality of the community for their abilities and create programs that are in accordance with the potential of the village so that the objectives of the BUMG program will be carried out properly.

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