
It appears that the Constitution of Ukraine has voted for the sovereignty and united power of the people, which it implements directly through the bodies of state power and local self-government. The main manifestation of the power of the people is the referendum and free elections. The forms of centralized people’s rule, which are enshrined in Section 3 of the Constitution, play an initial role for the current political constitutionalism, which directly contributes to the development of a huge partnership between the powers that we hope is possible It is possible to provide the free-willed population with the widest range of nutrition. State power and local self-government function effectively due to the presence of developed institutions of direct democracy. Today’s practice of establishing the hidden forms of middle-free democracy significantly outpaces the theoretical developments in this area. The nutrition itself is voluminous, and at the same time there are a great number of gaps and gaps in the possibility of constitutional consolidation of new forms of unmediated democracy, especially in justice.
 It appears that direct democracy in the state-legal system means ensuring the control and accountability of representative bodies before their voters, interspersed with Swaville. In other words, direct democracy is a specific mechanism, an institution in the middle of a democratic regime, which is equally important to the functioning of representative democracy. It appears that in legal literature there are different meanings of the concept of “form (institution) of middle-of-the-road democracy.” From the legal scientific literature it is clear that the forms of direct democracy mean “the ways and means of direct control over the people or any part of them, which includes the transfer of ownership to any bodies or individuals.”
 On the basis of the analysis of scientific issues, the authors share the firm belief (L. Shipilov) in favor of direct democracy, that access to the stated ideal implies the convergence of “pure” non-median forms of economic power from the professional sphere the integrity of the state authorities. Only through the steady mutual interaction of the representative form in all types of people, permanent legitimation of delegated power, bilateral communication Together with the people and their representatives, mass political participation will be ensured. In this case, the ideological basis of people’s rule is popular sovereignty, the supremacy of power over the people, which actually works in the interests of the people. The idea of popular sovereignty played an extremely important role in the development of marriage, in the formation of democratic ambushes in the political life of various countries (A. Kolodiy).

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