
The relevance of this article is due to the fact that in Kazakhstan, despite a fairly significant amount of legal, socio-economic support for socially vulnerable segments of the population, along with an increase in the total population, the number of people with disabilities does not decrease, and vice versa. The article discusses some issues of improving the national legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of ensuring and protecting the rights of persons with disabilities, including the draft Social Code being developed at the present stage, as well as proposals for the implementation of the relevant provisions of the Bill of Human Rights, in particular, by implementing of the special conventions of the International Labor Organization given in the article in the area under consideration. An analysis of the content of the term "decent work", proposed by the International Labor Organization, has been made. Some ILO documents related to the implementation of the main components of decent work were studied. Some issues of creating conditions for decent work for persons with disabilities (persons with special needs) in the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered. The features of the requirements of the ILO Charter on the procedure for implementing the conventions and recommendations of this international organization in countries that have ratified them (or accepted for consideration, as regards recommendations) are considered, some aspects of the implementation of ILO Convention 175 “On part-time work”, ratified on April 20, 2022, are analyzed years in the draft Social Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, recommendations were given on the consideration of a number of ILO conventions in the field of protection of the rights and employment of persons with disabilities for their ratification.

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